Exhibition- Righteous Among the Nations- Raoul Wallenberg

In July 1944, Raoul Wallenberg arrived in Budapest and was appointed the first secretary for the Swedish Legation office. Wallenberg’s first mission at the Swedish Legation office was to create false identification certificates which would allow Jews to pass through the Swedish border and escape Nazi prosecution. Later on, Wallenberg continued to use his influence in the Legation office and came up with the concept of “Swedish houses”, which were a sanctuary for Jews escaping Nazi prosecution. Wallenberg did his best to save as many people as he could, he and his employees provided food, medicine, and clothes to the victims of the ‘Death Marches’. On the 17th of January 1945, Wallenberg went on a ‘trip’ that wasn’t supposed to last more than 8 days and left Budapest accompanied by Soviet soldiers. The Soviet Ministry of Defence issued a secret arrest warrant for Raoul Wallenberg, who was arrested 2 days later. After the war, memorials were built in his honor, streets in Israel were called after him, and many movies, books, and articles were published about his bravery.

In 1963 the Yad Vasem Institute knowledge Raoul Wallenberg as Righteous Among the Nations.

[For the full text about Raoul Wallenberg, you are welcome to enter our main site]