Exhibition- Righteous Among the Nations- Varian Fry
In 1935, Varian Fry worked as a journalist and was sent to Berlin to write an article for the New York Times. In his article, he exposed his thoughts about the Nazi regime and the horrible policies and Anti-Semitic laws that were inflicted on the Jews of Berlin. In 1940, a group of individuals based in New York established the Emergency Rescue Society Organization. The organization sent Varian Fry to Marseilles, so he could help important key figures escape France. Fry worked hard along with his staff to create false identity papers and find safe routes for the refugees to escape. At that time, Fry struggled with mental illness, but it didn’t prevent him from his work. Many of the people he saved were Jewish, among them were the philosopher Hannah Arendt, the painter Marc Chagall, the author Franz Werfel, and many more.
In 1994, the Yad Vasem Institute knowledge Varian Fry as Righteous Among the Nations.
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Varian Fry et les candidats a l'exil : Marseille, 1940-1941 : Arp, Bellmer, Brauner, Breton, Bryen, Chagall, Delanglade, Dominguez, Duchamp, Ernst, Frances, Gomes, Herold, lam, Lamba, Lipchitz, Magnelli, Masson, Matta, Springer, Wols