Exhibition- Fredy Hirsch

Alfred (Fredy) Hirsch was born in February 1916 in Aachen, Germany. Fredy loved sports and became a remarkable athlete. He dedicated his time to working with children, most notably in the field of athletics; he instructed them in sporting activities and trained young Halutzim (pioneers) for their Aliya to Eretz Israel.

In December 1941, Fredy was deported to the Theresienstadt Ghetto, where he organised sporting activities, and oversaw the education of youths to cleanliness and tidiness. 

In 1943, Fredy was deported to Auschwitz to the newly built “Family Camp” (camp section BIIb) along with the rest of the Theresienstadt transport. One of Fredy’s mentees says that Fredy had a boyfriend in the camp, whom everyone called 'Romeo.' Fredy and Romeo would spend most of their time together and were a known couple in the camp. She further tells that everyone respected them and that she saw that they shared a great love.

In early March of 1944, the September transportees were directed to prepare for relocation to another camp. None suspected deception. Rudolf Vrba, part of the Auschwitz Resistance Movement, saw Fredy’s potential as a leader to the group and asked him to head the planned rebellion. Unfortunately, the following day Fredy was found unconscious. The circumstances surrounding Fredy’s death remain ambiguous to this day.

[For the full text about Fredy Hirsch you are welcome to enter our main website.]